History of Numerology

Numerology has ancient origins, with evidence discovered in various cultures and civilizations, including:


Early numerological procedures were evident in ancient Babylon.


Mystic numerology, also known as Chaldean numerology, is a historical subfield of mathematics using numbers. The alphabet is numbered from one to eight using this manner. Indian numeric math and numerologist Cheiro employ the Chaldean technique.


Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, is often credited with establishing modern numerology. He felt that numbers were the foundation of everything.


Kabbalistic numerology, also known as Gematria, gives number values to letters and employs them to elicit mystical insights from sacred writings.


Chinese numerology and Feng Shui use number symbolism to create harmony in environments and impact luck and fortune.

Life Path Number

Core Concepts

Numerology involves several key concepts and methods for interpreting the significance of numbers:

Life Path Number

This number, derived from a person's birth date, indicates their life purpose, obstacles, and opportunities. We calculate it by adding the digits of the birthdate until we reach a single digit.

Example: For a birth date of July 20, 1985 (07/20/1985), the calculation would be 0+7+2+0+1+9+8+5 = 32, then 3+2 = 5. So, the Life Path Number is 5.

Expression (destiny) Number

Derived from a person's entire birth name, this number indicates innate qualities, abilities, and potential. Each letter represents a number, and the total is reduced to one digit.

Example: For the name "John Doe," the letters J(1) + O(6) + H(8) + N(5) + D(4) + O(6) + E(5) = 35, then 3+5 = 8. The Expression Number is 8.

Soul Urge (Heart's Desire) Number

This number is calculated by summing the numerical values of each vowel in a person's name. It represents inward wants and motives.

Example: For the name "John Doe," the vowels O(6) + O(6) + E(5) = 17, then 1+7 = 8. The Soul Urge Number is 8.

Personality Number

Calculated using the consonants in a person's name, this number reflects outward traits and how others perceive the individual.

Example: For the name "John Doe," the consonants J(1) + H(8) + N(5) + D(4) = 18, then 1+8 = 9. The Personality Number is 9.

Personal Year Number

This number varies annually and is calculated by adding the current year's digits to the birth date. It identifies the themes and experiences for that year.

Example: For a person born on July 20 and the current year is 2024, the calculation would be 0+7+2+0+2+0+2+4 = 17, then 1+7 = 8. The Personal Year Number is 8.

Interpretation of Numbers

Each number in numerology has its unique vibration and significance:

  • Leadership, independence, and innovation.
  • Cooperation, diplomacy, and sensitivity.
  • Creativity, communication, and joy.
  • Stability, practicality, and discipline.
  • Freedom, adventure, and versatility.
  • Responsibility, nurturing, and harmony.
  • Introspection, spirituality, and wisdom.
  • Ambition, power, and material success.
  • Compassion, humanitarianism, and completion.

Application of Numerology

Numerology is used for various purposes, including:

  • Personal Growth: Understanding oneself and one’s life path.
  • Compatibility Analysis: Assessing relationships and compatibility between individuals.
  • Career Guidance: Identifying suitable careers and business opportunities.
  • Predictive Analysis: Making predictions about future events and trends.
  • Name Changes: Choosing favourable names for individuals, businesses, or products to attract positive vibrations.

Numerology provides a unique perspective through which people may investigate their life's underlying meanings and patterns. Many consider it a pseudoscience, but it remains a popular tool for individuals seeking insight, direction, and self-discovery.
