Birth Date Compatibility Calculator

Birth Date Compatibility calculator is a very useful tool for finding your compatibility scores with your partner. To find out how compatible you are with your spouse or love according to numerology, enter the dates of your birth, as well as the dates of your partner and yourself.


Your Life Path Number

Your Partner's Life Part Number

Compatibility Score

In numerology, birth date compatibility refers to the belief that the numerical values derived from a person's birth date can indicate compatibility with another person's birth date. Here's a brief overview:

  • Life Path Number: The most significant number in a person's numerology chart is the Life Path Number, which is derived from the date of birth. It represents the path that a person is destined to take in life and is calculated by adding together all the digits of the birth date until a single digit is obtained. For example, if someone was born on January 1, 1990, the calculation would be 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 21, and further reduced to 2 + 1 = 3.
  • Compatibility: Birth date compatibility in numerology typically involves comparing the Life Path Numbers of two individuals to see if their paths align harmoniously. Certain numbers are considered more compatible than others, based on their shared characteristics and complementary traits.
  • Calculating Compatibility: To determine compatibility, numerologists often analyze how well two Life Path Numbers interact with each other. Some numbers are believed to naturally complement each other, while others may clash. For instance, individuals with compatible Life Path Numbers might find it easier to understand and support each other's life paths.
  • Other Numerological Aspects: Besides the Life Path Number, other aspects of a person's numerology chart, such as their Destiny Number (derived from the full birth name) and the Expression Number (also derived from the full birth name), can also be considered in compatibility assessments. However, the Life Path Number is typically the primary factor.
  • Interpretation: Numerology is based on the idea that numbers carry specific vibrations and energies that influence a person's character and destiny. Therefore, compatibility in numerology is interpreted as an alignment of these energies between two individuals, which can potentially lead to a harmonious relationship.

It's important to note that numerology is considered pseudoscience and is not backed by empirical evidence. Birth date compatibility in numerology is more about personal belief and interpretation rather than a scientifically validated method of assessing relationships.
