Significance of 27 Nakshatras

Hindu astrology divides the zodiac into 27 Nakshatras, moon mansions that determine celestial body positions and their impact on individuals. These Nakshatras are crucial in astrology, performing calculations, predictions, and interpretations. Key facts about the 27 Nakshatras include their meanings.

Lunar Calendar:

HinduThe Hindu lunar calendar divides the month into 27 equal halves by the Nakshatras, where a Nakshatra is a day.

Interpretations of Astrology:

Using Nakshatras, astrologers examine and evaluate how the Moon affects a person's behaviour, personality, and life events. There are particular qualities and attributes linked to each Nakshatra.

27 Nakshatras Tabular Chart in Vedic astrology

In Vedic astrology, the 27 Nakshatras are lunar constellations that divide the zodiac into 27 equal segments. Each Nakshatra has unique characteristics and is associated with certain deities. Here are the names of the 27 Nakshatras:

Nakshatra Symbol Ruler Deity Gana Nadi
Ashwini Horse's Head Ketu Ashwini Kumars Deva Madhya
Bharani Yoni Venus Yama Manushya Antya
Krittika Knife or Spear Sun Agni Deva Madhya
Rohini Chariot Moon Brahma Manushya Adhya
Mrigashira Deer's Head Mars Soma Manushya Madhya
Ardra Tear Drop Rahu Rudra Rakshasa Madhya
Punarvasu Quiver of Arrows Jupiter Aditi Deva Adhya
Pushya Cow's Udder Saturn Brihaspati Deva Adhya
Ashlesha Serpent Mercury Naga Rakshasa Antya
Magha Throne Ketu Pitris Manushya Antya
Purva Phalguni Front Legs of Bed Venus Bhaga Manushya Antya
Uttara Phalguni Back Legs of Bed Sun Aryaman Manushya Antya
Hasta Hand Moon Savitri Manushya Madhya
Chitra Pearl Mars Vishvakarma Manushya Madhya
Swati Shoot of Plant Rahu Vayu Deva Madhya
Vishakha Archway Jupiter Indra Manushya Madhya
Anuradha Disciples Saturn Mitra Deva Madhya
Jyeshta Umbrella Mercury Hiranyagarbha Rakshasa Madhya
Mula Root Ketu Nirriti Rakshasa Madhya
Purva Ashadha Front of the Legs Venus Apas Manushya Antya
Uttara Ashadha Back of the Legs Sun Vishvadevas Manushya Antya
Shravana Ear Moon Vishnu Deva Antya
Dhanishta Drum Mars Vasu Rakshasa Madhya
Shatabhisha 100 healers Rahu Varuna Deva Antya
Purva Bhadrapada Front Legs of Funeral Cot Jupiter Aja Ekapada Rakshasa Antya
Uttara Bhadrapada Back Legs of Funeral Cot Saturn Ahirbudhnya Rakshasa Antya
Revati Drum or Fish Mercury Pushan Manushya Antya
Nakshatra Harmoniousness:

Nakshatras are considered while assessing an individual's suitability for marriage or other relationships. It is said that a peaceful relationship may be ensured by matching the Nakshatras of a pair.

Custom of Naming:

When naming a child, the Moon's Nakshatra at the moment of birth is frequently taken into account. Every Nakshatra has a certain letter linked with it, and names beginning with those letters are lucky


An essential part of Panchanga, the ancient Hindu almanack, is the nakshatras. Based on the placements of celestial bodies, especially the Moon in particular Nakshatras, Panchanga gives information on auspicious and unfavourable times for various activities.

Astrological Solutions:

The Nakshatra placements are the basis for the prescription of some astrological rites and treatments. It is thought that these treatments lessen the adverse effects of planetary placements.

Legendary Importance:

Each Nakshatra is associated with a deity and a legendary tale that sheds light on the traits linked to it.

Symbol of Vitality and Identity
Partition of the Zodiac:

The 27 Nakshatras divide the zodiac into smaller parts, allowing for a more detailed analysis of a person's birth chart. It is important to keep in mind that diverse astrological schools and cultural traditions might have different interpretations regarding the significance and meaning of Nakshatras. In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras are utilized in combination with other elements like planets, houses, and planetary periods to carry out a comprehensive analysis.

Planet Earth

Each Nakshatra spans 13°20' of the ecliptic and has specific ruling planets, attributes, and qualities that are considered in Vedic astrology interpretations.
