Prashna Kundali

Prashna Kundali, also known as Horary Astrology, is a branch of Vedic astrology that deals with answering specific questions based on the time when the question is asked. It's a chart drawn at the moment a question is posed, providing insights into the situation and potential outcomes.

map location

Prashna Kundali

Rasi Chart
Mo , Ra Ma Ju Su , Me , Ve
Sa Rasi
Navamsa Chart
Ve Ju , Sa Me , Ke
Ra Mo , Ma Asc

Graha Positions

GrahasBhavasRasi d° mmHouseHouse Sign / Lord NakshatraPadaLongitude
Asc19s 28* 0"10Capricorn / SaturnDhanistha2298.00
Sun62s 13* 14"3Gemini / MercuryArdra273.25
Moon311s 10* 7"12Pisces / JupiterUttara Bhadrapad3340.12
Mars40s 20* 5"1Aries / MarsBharani320.09
Merc62s 28* 52"3Gemini / MercuryPunarvasu388.87
Jupiter51s 13* 30"2Taurus / VenusRohini243.52
Venus62s 19* 49"3Gemini / MercuryArdra479.83
Saturn210s 25* 13"11Aquarius / SaturnPurva Bhadrapad2325.23
Rahu311s 17* 9"12Pisces / JupiterRevati1347.16
Ketu95s 17* 0"6Virgo / MercuryHasta3167.00


Lagna Start TimeEnd Time
Capricorn28 Jun 09:13 AM28 Jun 09:20 AM
Aquarius28 Jun 09:20 AM28 Jun 11:03 AM
Pisces28 Jun 11:03 AM28 Jun 12:43 PM
Aries28 Jun 12:43 PM28 Jun 02:31 PM
Taurus28 Jun 02:31 PM28 Jun 04:34 PM
Gemini28 Jun 04:34 PM28 Jun 06:45 PM
Cancer28 Jun 06:45 PM28 Jun 08:54 PM
Leo28 Jun 08:54 PM28 Jun 10:56 PM
Virgo28 Jun 10:56 PM29 Jun 12:58 AM
Libra29 Jun 12:58 AM29 Jun 03:04 AM
Scorpio29 Jun 03:04 AM29 Jun 05:16 AM
Sagittarius29 Jun 05:16 AM29 Jun 07:23 AM


Bhavas Bhava MadyaBhava Sandhi
19s 28* 4"10s 14* 22"
211s 0* 39"11s 16* 57"
30s 3* 14"0s 19* 32"
41s 5* 49"1s 19* 32"
52s 3* 14"2s 16* 57"
63s 0* 39"3s 14* 22"
73s 28* 4"4s 14* 22"
85s 0* 39"5s 16* 57"
96s 3* 14"6s 19* 32"
107s 5* 49"7s 19* 32"
118s 3* 14"8s 16* 57"
129s 0* 39"9s 14* 22"
Panchaka Nx+Tithi+vara+lagna=65 : 2-Agni Panchaka(Donate Sandal Paste)

Samvatsara Krodhi(38)
Pancha Samvatsara Idaavatsara(Vaayu)-3rd
Kali Abda:5126
Saura Maasa Gemini
Ishta Ghati 70
Ayanamsha:-24* -11"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is Prashna Kundali?

Prashna Kundali, also known as Horary Astrology, is a branch of Vedic astrology that deals with answering specific questions based on the time when the question is asked. It's a chart drawn at the moment a question is posed, providing insights into the situation and potential outcomes.

Q 2. How is Prashna Kundali Different from Birth Chart Astrology?

While birth chart astrology focuses on interpreting the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth, Prashna Kundali centers around the moment a question is asked. It's believed that this chart reflects the energies surrounding the question and provides guidance accordingly.

Q 3. What Can Prashna Kundali Reveal?

Prashna Kundali can offer insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and finances. It can help in decision-making, predicting outcomes, and understanding the dynamics of a particular situation.

Q 4. What are the Key Components of Prashna Kundali?

The key components include the ascendant (Lagna), the Moon sign, houses, planetary positions, and aspects. These factors are analyzed to provide insights into the question asked.

Q 5. Can Prashna Kundali Help in Decision-Making?

Yes, Prashna Kundali can assist in decision-making by providing insights into the energies surrounding a particular situation. It can highlight potential challenges, opportunities, and outcomes, helping the querent make informed choices.

Q 6. How is a Prashna Kundli related to loan inquiries?

A Prashna Kundli can answer questions about obtaining loans, repaying debts, or managing financial obligations. It can indicate the best time to apply for a loan and the likelihood of approval or success in financial negotiations.

Q 7. Can a Prashna Kundli predict educational success?

Yes, a Prashna Kundli can address specific questions about education, such as the success in exams, the likelihood of getting into a desired institution, or overall academic performance. The chart for the time the question is asked reveals these details.

Q 8. Can a Prashna Kundli suggest suitable insurance plans?

While it doesn't suggest specific insurance plans, a Prashna Kundli can indicate periods when it would be beneficial to take out insurance policies. For example, if a question about the necessity of insurance arises, the chart can provide clarity on potential risks.
