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In the context of Panchang, which is a traditional Hindu calendar, Nakshatras are the 27 lunar mansions or constellations that the moon travels through during its monthly cycle. Each Nakshatra represents a specific segment of the 360-degree ecliptic and plays a significant role in Vedic astrology.

Key Points about Nakshatras:

1.Number and Division:

  • There are 27 Nakshatras, each covering 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the ecliptic.
  • The 28th Nakshatra, Abhijit, is sometimes included in specific calculations but traditionally, 27 Nakshatras are used.

2. Names and Characteristics:

  • Each Nakshatra has a unique name, symbol, deity, and set of characteristics.
  • Examples include Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, etc.

2. Influence:

  • Nakshatras influence various aspects of life, including personality traits, behaviors, and events.
  • They are used to determine auspicious times for rituals, ceremonies, and important activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is the Nakshatra of the day?

The Nakshatra of the day is the Nakshatra in which the moon is positioned at sunrise on a given day. It is listed in the daily Panchangam and is used to determine the day’s astrological influence.

Q 2. What are Nakshatras in Panchangam?

Nakshatras are the 27 lunar mansions or constellations in Vedic astrology, through which the moon travels during its monthly orbit. They are crucial in determining auspicious timings and understanding astrological influences.

Q 3. How are Nakshatras different from Zodiac signs?

While Zodiac signs (Rashis) are based on the sun’s position and divide the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, Nakshatras are based on the moon’s position and divide the ecliptic into 27 segments. Nakshatras provide a more detailed astrological analysis.

Q 4. What is the significance of Nakshatra Padas?

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters or 'Padas,' each of which is associated with different planetary influences and characteristics. Padas provide deeper insights into personality traits and life events.

Q 5. Can Nakshatras affect daily activities?

Yes, Nakshatras influence daily activities and can be used to determine auspicious times for various tasks, such as signing contracts, traveling, and medical treatments
